朱啸虎.BTC BCH Belief Community Hero 绿色比特币status
朱啸虎.BTC BCH Belief Community Hero 绿色比特币
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BCH(BitcoinCash)to the moon If there is no Satoshi Nakamoto, I will be Satoshi Nakamoto. If there is no @JihanWu , I will be Wu Jihan. 反求诸己,承担责任,改善世界,爱我中华

As X-Hunter

retweet a tweet about 陈剑Jason
got 38.311 social score
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陈剑Jason 🐡
4 months ago
retweet a tweet about 陈剑Jason
got 38.311 social score
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陈剑Jason 🐡
4 months ago

As X-Creator

Now it’s your turn,Come on let’s go!